SKINCARE BASICS SERIES -NUMBER 1 - cleansing and cleansers

Do you know someone who has perfectly perfect skin and they don’t religiously cleanse, double cleanse and cleanse again in the am and pm? You probably do. Why? Because the skin is an incredibly multifunctional and clever organ that protects, regulates temperature, secretes and excretes all by itself without any assistance from skincare products. The marketing departments of most beauty companies, some social media influencers and an obsession with cleanliness will have you believe you are committing skin sins by not cleansing and god forbid you ever go to bed without washing your face! Think about this fact - skin has been around for 2 and a half million years. Pretty long time we had skin without skincare products eh? The reason I bring your attention to these facts is not to suggest you never cleanse your skin but more to give you a breather from all the bossin about on the subject and to promote a healthier attitude to skincare


So what is the deal with cleansing and cleansers? The deal is down to your skin, your choices and your decisions based on what suits you. Right? You know that look some people give when you suggest sheepishly that you didn’t cleanse last night before you went to sleep, well they have no right to make you feel bad for your choices. Who made them the skin police anyway?
I am, of course, playing devils advocate here and giving you, hopefully, a more balanced and sensible approach as there are undoubtedly many benefits to cleansing your skin properly with the correct ingredients. It is all down to what works for you. Be aware that if you suffer from skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema, sensitivity and redness it may be that your cleansing routine is doing more harm than good and most of what you read in magazines, on Facebook, on Instagram and in skincare blogs is written with the view of selling a product so you’ll find very little information on which skin types MUST NOT use the product being promoted. I’m here, not to sanctimoniously boss you about but to give you a broader view of why to cleanse, how to cleanse and which products to try based on what you know about your lovely faces……

Let’s park some cleansing facts right here -

  1. Cleansing is always the first step in your skincare routine

  2. Cleansers are designed to prepare the skin surface for the next steps in a skincare routine by removing make up, spf, excess oil, dirt, debris, bacteria and dead skin cells

  3. Cleansers come in many forms - bars, milk, foam, gel, water, balm, oil, cream and each form will benefit OR NOT different skin concerns

  4. Cleansing can be done AM and PM. PM cleansing can include a double cleanse to remove make up and spf first if you’re wearing any. Bear in mind you don’t need to double cleanse if you’re not wearing make up or and you definitely don’t need to double cleanse in the morning

  5. Over cleansing with harsh products can lead to irritation and prevent your skin from doing the job its naturally designed to do. It is very clever you know


Regardless of skincare brand there are many choices of cleanser type, let’s make it clearer

  • WATER - Micellar waters are perfect for removing make up, eye make up and SPF so can be used as an initial cleanse. I don’t advocate this as your only cleanse. Buy a gentle one and be careful of alcohol and fragrance if your skin is temperamental

  • BALM/OIL - Also work well as your first cleanse and remember to apply to DRY skin, don’t wet the skin first. These textures work really well to dissolve make up and can be used by any skin type as a first cleanse. They can also be used in the morning and as your second cleanse - massage and pummel these into your skin. It is delightful

  • MILK/CREAM - These cleansers are usually soothing and nourishing so are best used if your skin has a tendency to feel tight, dry, dehydrated

  • GEL - Generally thought to be a deeper cleansing method, can be effective for excess oil and clogged pores

  • FOAM - Usually lightweight but not always great for the skin type they are recommended for - combination/oily as they can affect your skins pH balance and cause irritation



When you visit me for a facial the order of service is - cleanse eyes and lips, remove make up then choose the cleanser that will work best for your skin. The products are applied to dry skin and removed with warm, damp mitts - This is exactly how I recommend you do your cleansing at home too - Facecloths work beautifully, run them under warm water and swipe away - don’t fill the sink up with water cause it won’t be that clean once you start sploshing about in it


  • You are not a criminal if you don’t cleanse/double cleanse


  • If you want to have a skincare routine you have to start with this step. No point swiping your serums around a dirty face

  • You do have time

  • Dont follow advice based on other people’s skin types. You have got to know your own skin before you make choices on products. I don’t care what anyone says - cleansing with the wrong products can be catastrophic if your skin has allergies. CHOOSE WISELY

  • Enjoy the process of cleansing - it is really nice wakin up with a fresh face and it saves your pillowcases

  • Any questions - FIRE THEM MY WAY 😘

Kezia Miskell-Reid