Hiya 2020


It looks so good doesn’t it? Nice and symmetrical.

There is always a sense of opportunity at the beginning of a new year. We’ve spent the last 3 months working up to all the big changes we are going to make and have likely spent the last 2 weeks eating everything in sight, lazily working our way through the days before our rebirth on the 1st of the new decade. Certainly its been that way for me.

For the 25th year in a row on the 1st January - I’m going to clean up my food, commit to my exercise, stop indulging in all my indulgences, plan ahead, get up early every day, spend more time with family and friends, read a book a week, keep my life in order and between you and me even writing this list is filling me with dread. Such pressure to have it all, to make it perfect, to plan it out and at the end of the day when we don’t achieve all of these things we get to feel like a failure. Here I am, already wondering, how to make the changes I want/need to make without feeling utterly overwhelmed and giving up at the first sight of a Lindt chocolate.

I am doing it differently this year. Thats how I’m gonna make it work. A new tactical resolution approach will be the game changer. My belief is that the mammoth changes all at once overwhelm me, there is always a sense of loss, depriving myself, giving things up does not work for me and slowly I always manage to convince myself that I need the things I’ve given up back in my life to be happy.

Lets flip it - lets do it differently and make small changes little by little to make 2020 the year I become a champ at all things life. My goals will be set weekly for the next 52 weeks of the year in the style of 52 small changes that over the year of 2020 will improve all aspects of my life. They will be planned 4 weekly in a way that gives me the best possible chance of success with a slow and gentle approach rather than the usual mental give up everything detox approach, which year after year leaves me feeling empty, lost and desperate for a chocolate biscuit.

On Wednesday 1st January 2020 I will begin a journey that will take me to better health (physically, mentally and financially) improved productivity, increased energy, more rested, less stressed and all in all a happier human being. Of course you are all invited to share my journey through my social media channels where I will be held accountable to my goals by you all, not through words of encouragement but rather by telling it to me straight when its starting to look like shit.

There are 5 days left in the 10’s before we go roaring into the 20’s, what are your plans for the 20’s? Will you be making changes? Will you change them all at once or will you take the gentle approach? I’d love to hear from you so we can travel the journey together - email info@inthelob.com to share your thoughts or comment below. Whatever your plans, I wish for you to float into the new decade with peace of mind, an abundance of energy and a strength of mind that will carry you through the good days, bad days and the downright frickin torturous ones

Love to you all


Kezia Miskell-Reid