7 steps to become a savvy skincare shopper

Shopper enters skincare shop

Consultant - “Good afternoon, how can I help?”

Me - “I’d like to buy some skincare please”

Consultant - “Of course, whats your skin type”

Me - “Its 46 years old, can be dry and tight after showering, can be oily and spotty over the chin, can be sensitive and red over the cheeks, pretty easy going forehead, nose can misbehave a bit, looks a bit dehydrated, pores are visible

Consultant - “Great, I have the very thing for you, here is the full range of this super expensive, prettily packaged stuff thats packed with blahdeeblah, this is perfect for your “type” - use this and your skin will be flawless like glass

Me - “Hahahahahahahahaha, right then”

This is a genuine depiction of what it can be like when you shop for skincare. Add to this the plethora of online shops selling a gazillion different products for a gazillion different reasons and you’re left with a head that is burst, a basket full of useless stuff and a false belief that flawless skin is right around that £300 spend corner.

Let me share a secret with you


Skin can be healthy, skin can be clear, skin can be balanced, skin can be treated well but not in your life time ever will you have flawless, glass like skin. NEVER.

The skincare industry has grown a lot since the days of Clinique’s 3 step routine and the old fashioned cleanse, tone, moisturise approach and lets be honest you cannot ever fit yourself into one “type” so how do you learn how to be a savvy skincare shopper. Let me share

  1. DO NOT buy a product based on skin type - take the time to look at your gorgeous face in the mirror and decide exactly what you want your skincare to do e.g. hydrate, brighten, reduce blemishes, tighten, soothe, reduce oiliness, smooth fine lines etcetera etcetera etcetera

  2. DO choose which of these 3 things are most important to you e.g. I really want my skin to be clear. bright and plump and start here - stop being a skincare glutton and wanting it ALL

  3. DO your research, read, investigate and ask industry experts questions about which ingredients and technologies can achieve these 3 things

  4. DO your research, read, investigate and ask industry experts which brands are working hard to include these ingredients in their skincare bringing quality to their products and using cutting edge science, technologies and human testing to make sure their products WORK

  5. DO consider that if you’re still confused at this stage then it is ok to pick the ONE thing that really matters to you and start there - once you understand your skin, realise what you want and read a bit more you can add to your collection one step at a time

  6. DO NOT ever buy on a promise of ‘perfect’ skin - soz to say it aint happening. Healthy - YES, bright - YES, clear - YES, smooth - YES, flawlessly perfect - NO

  7. DO come to terms with the fact that the industry fabricates, falsifies, uses clever marketing strategies and preys on your weaknesses. Your strongest armour against this will always be your strength of mind and confidence in yourself exactly as you are. Skincare is a joy and can achieve wonderful things for your biggest organ but you have to start with the feeling that you’re fluffing marvellous anyway and you’re buying because you want to treat you and your skin - you are not buying cause the beauty industry makes you feel like a bag of mince

It is that simple. We complicate it by always being on the quest for holy grails when sometimes you simply need a little bit of skincare shopping savvy. To conclude - ask questions of the skincare world but also ask yourself - what is it EXACTLY that YOU want?

OR ask me - online skin consultations available when you click the BOOK NOW button